It's in the cards...

Ulmer mentions the Tower tarot card as a symbol of disaster and change. It made me think about symbolism associated with frogs and I checked out two card decks and provide the links below. The pictures are nice too :)

From Medicine Cards: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals by Jamie Sams and David Carson with images by Angela C. Werneke. Image link courtesy of The Purple Pathe

Frog (and frog people) cleanses negativity from the environment. Importance of relaxing and replenishing our own energy so that we can support others in turn - cleansing of self linked to cleansing of the land (see Lady Wolfdreams for full quote of card text).

From The Druid Animal Oracle by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm with images by Bill Worthington. Image link courtesy of Indigo Readings Blog

I love Bill Worthington's images - always more than they appear at first sight. In this case, it's not just the frog and frogspawn, but also the toadstools, cranberry (also called frogberry) and the frog's spindle (orchid). Willow is there too, as willow is linked to water like frog.

Card represents sensitivity, medicine and hidden beauty and power. Interesting that it is the sensitive and delicate skin of the frog which is a weakness when facing a polluted world that is its strength here - teaching us sensitivity to others and to our environment. Again, encouraging us to heal ourselves - "the frog brings medicine, and medicine brings healing". Speaks of marrying the frog (makes me think of the Frog Prince fairy tale) - facing difficult circumstances will bring us rich "rewards" in the end. Brings us full circle to the Tower - change might be difficult, but all we can do is hope that positive change brings positive rewards...

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