
Short answer - my dissertation project for the MSc in eLearning at Edinburgh University.

"The purpose of this project is to assess to what extent a digital media method can facilitate loss reflections in participants of the Carbon Conversations course. The role of the MEmorial is to raise awareness of a particular issue via the internet (Ulmer, 2005) which can be viewed as a form of activism (Pickerill, 2003)."

This blog follows me as I read Gregory L. Ulmer's book EM: Electronic Monuments and set about creating my own memorial to frogs. It will not focus on the pedagogical implications of using this as a tool for reflection or anything so very serious - I'll keep that for the dissertation.

Instead, I will try and capture the thoughts that popped into my head when creating my part of the Carbon Conversations electronic monument, or MEmorial. The intention is that this will help others undertaking the same task.

It may also reveal the deep workings of my mind - sorry about that :)

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